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Digital Writing wiki

This wiki is designed to support the book, Teaching Writing Using Blogs, Wikis, and other Digital Tools, by Richard Beach, Chris Anson, Lee-Ann Breuch, and Thom Swiss, published in December by Christopher-Gordon Publishers, Inc.


Be sure to read through the entire sidebar-- this wiki is packed with great ideas, lessons, and resources.




Online Role-Play and Argument

“Using Online Argument Role-Play to Foster Learning to Argue and Arguing to Learn in a High School Composition Class”  a presentation by Richard Beach for the annual K-12 Online Conference

Description: I describe the use of online role-play in a 12th grade high school composition class using a class blog and a Ning forum. In a role-play, students adopt fictional roles associated with competing positions associated with influencing a final decision on an issue. Students were highly engaged in a Ning role-play on the issue of student Internet access in their school because they were assuming different voices, writing to multiple audiences versus just the teacher, and developing arguments to make proposals for actual changes in the school’s Internet policies.



Copyright Clarity: 184, 135,  

The Digital Writing Workshop: 172, 171, 170,  

Teaching the New Writing: 157156, 155,  

Teaching Writing Using Blogs, Wikis, and other Digital Tools: 138)